Planning Cities Commission seminar, Visby

Region Gotland and UBC Planning Cities Commission are pleased to invite you to a seminar in Visby on 21 –24 October 2018.
Visby is located on the northwest coast of Gotland, the largest island in the Baltic Sea, about 100 km from the Swedish mainland. As a former Viking site, Visby became the main trade hub for the Hanseatic League in the Baltic Sea between the 12th and the 14th century. Its 13th-century city wall, medieval church ruins, warehouses and wealthy merchant homes from the same period make it the best preserved fortified commercial trade town in Northern Europe. The Hanseatic town of Visby is a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1995. The majority of Visby’s 23000 inhabitants live in the modern city districts that has evolved since the city expanded beyond the historic town from the late 19th century onwards. Today, the tourism industry is rapidly growing, while expanding connections to the mainland also give better opportunities for people to move to, live and work in Visby.
“Urban transition zones – Sustainable urban transformation in the context of a small historic city”
The main aim of the seminar and workshop is to reflect and give suggestions on the development of two areas, the Inner Harbour and the East Centre, in direct proximity to the historic town and the medieval city wall.
We will, for example, look at:
- How we can create and develop urban space for seasonal flexibility
- How we can create and develop urban space in the transitional area between the historic town centre and the modern city
Proposals for the two workshop areas will be developed and presented to local politicians, colleagues and the press by the end of the seminar.
Register now!
Please register by 17 September 2018 at: https://www.gotland.se/ubc
More information:
Christian Hegardt
Stadsarkitekt, chef Stadsarkitektenheten
Tel. +46 498269855