XV UBC General Conference, Kaunas

The XV UBC General Conference “Building an inclusive and resident-focused city. The Baltic way” will be held on 15–18 October 2019 in Kaunas, Lithuania. Themes of the conference include among others “Inclusive Cities” and “Culture as catalyst for cities development”.
- Registration is now open: http://ubc.kaunas.lt/registration/
- Conference website: http://ubc.kaunas.lt/
– We all want to live in inclusive, safe, well-designed, well-connected cities whose growth is based on participation, dialogue, transparency and knowledge. That is the vision the cities strive for. How far are we on the way to fulfil our dream? asks UBC President Per Bødker Andersen.
The General Conference is the highest authority of the Union and has power to take decisions concerning any activities of the Union, e.g. electing the Presidium consisting of the President and three Vice-Presidents of the Union for a two year period, as well as electing the Executive Board for a two year period. In addition, a number of plenary sessions and back-to-back meetings are organized during the conference.
BSR youth play an active role in the conference
As in previous years, a Youth Conference will also be included, and the Baltic Sea youth will actively participate in all conference programme.
– In Kaunas, there will not be separate conference for youth but only one conference where the young are with us also as speakers and panelists. This is very important if we wish to truly involve young people in our organization, work and societies, states Carsten Adamsen, Chair of the UBC Youthful Cities Commission.
More information: http://ubc.kaunas.lt/
Connect with us and stay informed about the conference and other UBC events and news:
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- YouTube: bit.ly/ubc-youtube
- Instagram: ubc_bsr