Cities stand with Ukraine – Saturday 12 March

Cities stand with Ukraine: A shared moment of solidarity on Saturday 12 March

A shared moment of solidarity for Ukraine will be held in front of city halls around Europe on Saturday 12 March.

On the initiative of Dario Nardella, President of Eurocities and Mayor of Florence, all mayors and cities are invited to join in this common embrace, and are invited to do so however best suits them, whether through a large or smaller gathering of people.

“I propose that we invite local people, especially our Ukrainian and Russian communities, to link arms, or share a moment in front of or around our city halls,” explains the mayor.

No specific time is set for the action. “We can do this at the time that works best for each of us on Saturday 12 March and I ask you to share your images on social media,” says Nardella.

For social media the preferred usage will be: #CitiesWithUkraine

In short:

  • Date and time: Saturday 12 March at any time, at or around the city halls
  • This gathering does not have to be of any particular size. All cities are doing different things.
  • It should be shared on social media with #CitiesWithUkraine

More: Eurocities website