Special General Conference (General Assembly), online

Referring to the article 8 of the UBC Statute, the Presidium would like to convene a special session of the General Assembly on 20 May 2022 to confirm the following decisions of the Executive Board:
- Suspension of the membership of the Russian cities, termination the cities’ positions in the UBC organs/bodies, and a change of the location of the next UBC General Conference.
On 24 February 2022 Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Thousands of innocent civilians, including women and children have been dying due to bombing of housing estates, schools, hospitals. The humanitarian situation is dramatic, people are hiding from bombs in cellars without food, water or heating. Over 4,2 million of Ukrainians have been forced to flee abroad. In the face of such a huge tragedy, the UBC Executive Board found the cooperation impossible.
- Establishing of the new UBC Commission on Education.
The UBC Executive Board was asked to establish a temporary UBC Commission on Education. The task of the temporary commission is to carry out the work plan of the Task Force on Youth Employment and Well-being, and to prepare for the General Conference (Assembly) a proposal of a new commission along with its long-term objectives. The proposal is supported by the following UBC member cities: Liepaja (Latvia), Naestved (Denmark), Riga (Latvia), Rostock (Germany), Turku (Finland) and Århus (Denmark). To be in line with other commissions it could be named eg. Learning Cities.
Registration: https://forms.gle/GMabW8qXhCW5Hr1x6
Please register by 13 May 2022.
Link to the Zoom platform will be sent out a day before the meeting to the registered participants.