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Paweł Domagała – Narnia Tour


“Narnia” is the fourth album by Paweł Domagała. The new album is a very personal journey, which is a kind of diary. The artist emphasizes that the album is “about finding a place in yourself that is only ours and to which we run away when we feel bad.” It is a story full of faith that each of us has the title “Narnia” in us, where good can rule. As the author himself says: “This is definitely the most personal and the most therapeutic album for me. An album that in a way saved me, because working on Narnia was also working on myself,” says the singer.

More information: https://paweldomagala-pl.translate.goog/koncerty/?_x_tr_sl=pl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp