Brainstorm Last show!

A team of business consultants is tasked within 90 minutes to develop a secret plan to save humanity from the threat of a pandemic. i.e. As they work, they begin to realize more and more how little they know about the true nature and goals of the plan. Trying to navigate the minefield of conspiracy theories critically tests teamwork and leads to the inevitable question of “are we in control or are we being controlled?” First, since this is a classified project, we’re not using Powerpoint. There must not be any digital traces of things related to the project. All brainstorming takes place on the board and the results are erased. Stored in your memory. (Brock, “Brainstorming”) NB! The text of the play deals with sensitive topics!
More information: https://www-kultuurikava-ee.translate.goog/event/ajurunnak-viimane-etendus?_x_tr_sl=et&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp