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Regional and weekly market


Greifswald invites you to the regional and weekly market under the motto “Vorpommern tastes so good”. During the event various food manufacturers from Western Pomerania will present their regional product range at the Greifswald market square. The regular weekly market will be expanded by around 20 exhibitors on the Saturday.

The market is open from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. You can try, buy and exchange ideas with regional producers. The offer ranges from cheese specialities, fruit, vegetables, honey, mustard, pasta, meat and sausage products, spreads to various types of ice cream from the immediate vicinity of Greifswald. There are also numerous bakery and confectionery creations as well as sauces, lard, coffee and tea variations to discover. A special highlight is the mobile cheese dairy, where you can watch the traditional cheese craft in the production wagon directly on site.

More information: https://www-greifswald-de.translate.goog/de/freizeit-kultur/veranstaltungen/veranstaltungskalender/regional-und-wochenmarkt__52084/?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp