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Tower and tunnel – Friedhelm Grundmann

2023-09-07 to 2023-10-23

The architect Friedhelm Grundmann designed subway stations and churches, including the modernization of Greifswald Cathedral in 1989. With this exhibition, his work is being comprehensively acknowledged for the first time. Architect Friedhelm Grundmann (1925–2015) designed churches and subway stations over a period of five decades – this is unique in German post-war modernism.

With the exhibition “Tower and Tunnel” – a cooperation between the University of Hamburg and the online magazine moderneREGIONAL, curated by Daniel Bartetzko, Karin Berkemann and Frank Schmitz – Grundmann’s work is being comprehensively acknowledged for the first time. The common thread is the comparison of the two seemingly contradictory building types church and subway. In both cases, Grundmann felt committed to the needs of the people and a moderate modernity.

More information: https://www-greifswald-de.translate.goog/de/freizeit-kultur/veranstaltungen/veranstaltungskalender/turm-und-tunnel-friedhelm-grundmann-baut-fuer-kirche-und-ubahn__52701/?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp