Kiel sea of lights

2023-11-04 8:00 am to
2023-11-05 5:00 pm
The Kiel Sea of Lights: a sign of the colorful city society
In November it will be colorful again in and around the city center of Kiel. During the day, attractive traders and restaurateurs invite you to take a stroll through downtown Kiel in a Scandinavian atmosphere. As soon as night falls, a large number of striking buildings are lavishly illuminated and staged.
More information: https://kiel–sailing–city-de.translate.goog/veranstaltungen/sonntagsoeffnungen/kieler-lichtermeer?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp