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Beth Hart


A Beth Hart concert is always a meeting with a real artist. Here emotions are not beaten around the bush, here the truth is sung straight from the guts, feelings come from the heart and lie deep and thick in every note.

In 2019, during an amazing concert as part of the Ladies’ Jazz Festival, she started her performance for the first time by singing, walking through the audience in the middle of the disc towards the stage where the band was waiting for her. In December 2022, performing solo at Spodek in Katowice, she enchanted the audience by singing and playing the guitar and piano. At Torwar, she magnetized the audience by playing with the band. Of course, at both of these concerts she also sang while walking around the album among the audience.

All Beth Hart concerts are free from the plastic, powder or pomade that oozes from many other musical events.

Comprehensive musical education, from Bach through Otis Redding to Etta James and Led Zeppelin. She has performed with Slash, Jeff Beck and many times with Joe Bonamassa. Together with the latest A Tribute to Led Zeppelin, he has released ten studio albums, two live albums, a DVD, a Grammy nomination, an off-Broadway musical and rapidly growing crowds of fans in every geographical location.

Beth Hart is one of the names shining brightest right now.

More information: https://www-gdynia-pl.translate.goog/mieszkaniec/wydarzenia-muzyczne,6824/beth-hart,570180?did=83117&_x_tr_sl=pl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp