Kessu and Tripp

Kessu’s biggest wish is to have a father again, but as his mother says, fathers don’t grow on trees. That’s how he finds Trip in the circus book as a friend, with whom he goes on strange adventures. Together, they go to the store, invent a food vending machine, and try to help Kessu’s mother with the difficult housework. But as always happens with children – you want good, but a bunch of mischief still comes out! However, Tripp helps Kessu understand that even the biggest wishes can come true someday.
Kessu and Tripp is a heartfelt and playful story about children, mothers and books, where sometimes there is more adventure than telephone games. Premiere on December 9, 2023 in the big house. After the December performances, we welcome children to the traditional Christmasland with exciting activities, which this year is called TRIPI TRIKIMAA. Santa Claus will not miss out either. Instead of a song or a poem, this year we recommend that you come up with and learn cool tricks that you can perform individually or collectively to Santa to redeem a package. It’s worth figuring out and practicing early!
More information: https://www-kultuurikava-ee.translate.goog/event/kessu-ja-tripp-0?_x_tr_sl=et&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp