Do you still remember those fantastic nineties filled with freedom and change? The time when the door finally opened to the great and unknown Western world, with all its cultures, colors, courage and brilliance? Do you remember the days when the most anticipated party was the Christmas party? When everything from the outfit to the gift wrapping paper was thought out? Those crazy 90s, when music dictated fashion, when the dance floor seemed to fly by a rocket.
Well-known actors and singers Lina Rastokaitė and Jokūbas Bareikis invite you to return to these times – the duo presents a tour of festive live concerts with the spice of comedy “Christmas stars: 90-ieji in Lithuania”. We will have many funny situations, memories that we can laugh at or remember nostalgically, and the songs played at the concert are not forgotten to this day, so we are guaranteed to sing together.
More information: https://www-ticketmarket-lt.translate.goog/lt/e/renginys/kaledu-zvaigzdes-rokiskio-kulturos-centras?_x_tr_sl=lt&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp