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Christmas fairy tale for children “Michael’s dream”


On the basis of Ludos Jakimavičius’ fairy tale “The Cat and the Rooster Searched for Christmas”.

Everyone seems to agree that Christmas is a time of miracles. And what if the expected miracle does not happen? What if the received gift does not make you happy, and the plans start and collapse during the height of the holidays – the pots are sizzling, the work does not go away, and even a blizzard rises outside the window, preventing your loved ones from coming?

Ensemble “Lietuva” invites the little ones to the Christmas musical performance “Michael’s Dream”. As every year, characters easily recognizable to children appear here from fairy tales, who will be embodied by the performers of the “Lietuva” ensemble – a choir, dancers and an orchestra of national instruments. The musical fairy tale will delight you with live music and playful theatrical performances, in which the audience will willingly get involved.

More information: https://www-ticketmarket-lt.translate.goog/lt/e/renginys/kaledine-pasaka-mikalojaus-sapnas-rokiskis-bilietai?_x_tr_sl=lt&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp