Back beat

The band has been referred to, by Beatles manager Alan Williams himself, as “The best Beatles tribute band in the world”. Not because they look like the originals, but because they have humour, musicality, energy and a genuine love for the music they play.
The show Backbeat deals with the time when The Beatles played in Hamburg, in places such as Keiserkeller, Indra and Star Club, exactly 60 years ago. They played up to 8 hours every night, and became without a doubt the world’s best rock & roll band. John Lennon stated in an interview in 1971 that “the best music we played was never released”. Det Betales has done something about that, and the song “Bad Boy” has now been released on record and video. The plan is to make an entire album with this wonderful musical treasure.
More information: https://www-visitsorlandet-com.translate.goog/event/backbeat/679847306/?_x_tr_sl=no&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp