Kick-Off Meeting “Inclusive Cities”

The City of Rostock has an important goal to develop inclusion processes in the city districts. The colleagues, who are working on this topic, would like to get to know the experiences from other countries and cities.
We would like to invite you to the international Kick-Off Meeting “Inclusive Cities”. Our goal is to get to know each other and best practices in our cities, hoping for future cooperation, mutual projects and maybe even study visits. The event will take place online, on 14 October 2021, 13:30-16:00 Berlin time. The working language is English.
We would kindly ask each speaker to share the experience during 7 to 10 Minutes presentation. The most important questions for us are:
1). How is the district management organized in your city? Do each districts has a manager or is there one person taking care of the topic? Is the district management a part of the city structure or is it a private institution?
2). Please, present one project, you are currently working on. (or was just finished).
3). Which main challenges do you face during the implementation of your project and during your day-to-day work?
Moreover, you are very welcomed to show us a short video about your work. It could be the pictures/videos of the district, you are currently managing; a video, showing us your project (cultural center, maybe play ground or youth center) or a video showing your work day. You may take the video with the smart phone and comment it during the Kick-off.
If you are interested in taking part in the Kick-Off, please contact aleksandra.markianova@rostock.de by 12 October.