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Winnie the Pooh Family Concert Performance

In March 2024, the Winnie the Pooh band will present its brand new album “kuusk kuusk kuusk” with a family concert performance “kuusk kuusk kuusk” in several places in Estonia.

The dizzying spectacle – which is suitable for viewing not only by fathers and mothers but also by the youngest members of the family – has been directed by the members of the ensemble themselves, without wasting the valuable time and money of professional directors.

Despite everything, the full lineup will be performed, the stage will have great decorations, high-quality lighting and sound equipment, and the band members will be expected to perform an exceptional role.

Songs will be played, fairy tales will be read and played, and as usual on such occasions, the buffet will be open.

More information: https://www-kultuurimaja-ee.translate.goog/syndmused/kuusk-kuusk-kuusk/?_x_tr_sl=et&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=nui