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Concert – Japanese garden


In Japan, Taiko drums are believed to have both a spiritual meaning and a degree of cleansing power. These instruments are used in temple rituals to create an encouraging, productive, and beneficial atmosphere. Taiko drum performances are spiced up by Japanese flutes and ritual dancing. The exotic culture of Japanese seems easy to grasp, thanks to its cultural language feeling quite natural and conceivable for Nordic people. On this occasion, that Japanese force of nature – taiko drums – is joined by an Estonian force of nature – our unique male choir. A special nuance is added by the beloved singer, Liisi Koikson, who feels at home with very different styles, serving to bring together natural sounds and beauty in a captivating combination.

More information: https://visitparnu.com/en/objekt/jaapani-aed-2/jaapani-aed-taiko-trummide-ansambel/