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The show “Captain Grant’s Children”


Embark on an adventurous endless journey around the world. Climb aboard the “Duncan” and follow the few clues with the characters of the story in search of the missing Captain Grant!

Feel the excitement, fear and love. Experience trust and betrayal. Surrender to the magic and light mood of Imantas Kalniņš’s music. Listen to the lines of poetry by Knuts Skujenieks, which reveal the inner world of the characters.

More information: https://pasakumi-cesis-lv.translate.goog/pasakums/izrade-kapteina-granta-berni/?_x_tr_sch=http&_x_tr_sl=lv&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp