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Four seasons of love – concert


Four seasons of love is currently the fastest gaining popularity band on the Polish music scene, performing music in the field of sung poetry and folk. Their extraordinary ability to arouse emotions, move with words and music, makes them go straight to people’s hearts – surprising and delighting. They enjoy great recognition among fans, which is reflected in full concert halls, standing ovations and a fantastic, unique and singing audience. They give concerts regularly, fulfilling the task of leaving in all listeners reflection and longing for love of life and other people. On stage, they exude sincerity, humility and good humor.

The vocalist, guitarist, presenter, music author, leader and founder of the band is the talented and charismatic Michał Miotke. You can hear his moving voice at the microphone. The bass guitarist, co-founder of the band and author of several songs is Patryk Wendrowski, an extraordinary bass guitar virtuoso with an outstanding musical imagination. The entire musical arrangement is enriched by the excellent pianist Malwina Groenwald with her instrumental and vocal talent.

More information: https://fabrykakultury-pl.translate.goog/repertuar/cztery-pory-milowania-koncert/?_x_tr_sl=pl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp