Formoza Challange Ustka 2024

Formoza Challenge is, above all, good fun for everyone, including entire families – the relaxed form of the festival with fierce competition in the background encourages people to attend the race with the fans.
Formoza in Ustka is a start at the peak of the holiday season and a combination of pleasant (i.e. running) and useful (i.e. vacation). Formoza Ustka offers the opportunity to start over SHORT (about 5 km) and LONG (about 10 km) distances, in a team or alone. Of course, the organizers do not forget about the youngest commandos – the FORMOZA KIDS format, SHORT distances (for the younger ones) and LONG distance (for the slightly older ones) are developed especially for them – which means running with the assistance of FORMOZA commandos.
More information: https://www-formozachallenge-com.translate.goog/formoza-challenge-ustka/?_x_tr_sl=pl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp