The exhibition “Stay, emigrate, return?”

2024-02-06 to 2024-12-28
This exhibition analyzes one of the most pressing problems in Lithuania – emigration. The stories of intellectuals of the last century – writer, philanthropist Vladas Rasčiauskas, linguist Petros Būtėnas and Aleksandras Kalvėnaitė-Kazickienė, fosterer of Lithuanian language, organizer of charitable events – and the emigrants of today’s natives, their motives and behavior in the diaspora are reviewed.
More information: https://renginiai-panevezysnow-lt.translate.goog/renginys/ekspozicija-pasilikti-emigruoti-grizti/date-20240206/?_x_tr_sl=lt&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp