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Inauguration of the Elbląg Music Masterclass


We invite you to the ceremonial inauguration of the 3rd edition of the Elbląg Music Masterclass. This unique event is the majestic beginning of the largest music courses in northern Poland.

World-famous artists and outstanding professors will perform: Mariusz Patyra, Marek Czech, Marcel Markowski, Krzysztof Meisinger, Radosław Kurek. Artists will conduct master classes during the third edition in 2024. Come and experience amazing performances by masters who will share their extraordinary knowledge and skills.

More information: https://eok-elblag-eu.translate.goog/wydarzenia/338?_x_tr_sl=pl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp