ABBA and others – symphonic

Few bands can boast of the fact that they became the musical symbol of the entire decade, were the main export of their country and that a musical was written based on their music and later adapted into a film. And all this happened to four Scandinavian performers: we cannot imagine the ’70s without “Waterloo”, “Honey, Honey”, “Money, Money, “Money”, just as we cannot imagine Sweden without ABBA, and the film “Mamma mia !” was an event in 2008. Everyone who enjoyed the music of Boney-M or Modern Talking will also feel great in the atmosphere of our concert: we promise smiles and emotions, a return of memories and great fun today, because after all, “happiness is staying “close to each other like children”, as the song “Felicità” says – the greatest hit of the duo Al Bano and Romina Power, whose music will also be heard during this extraordinary evening… On stage, a choir, ballet, orchestra and soloists!
More information: https://biletyna-pl.translate.goog/koncert/ABBA-i-INNI-Symfonicznie?_x_tr_sl=pl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp#bilety