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Concert evening with Katrīna Gupalo


This summer, Katrīna Gupalo invites her listeners to enjoy the music in exactly the way it was created – acoustically, only in the sounds of voice and piano. Being a professional pianist and singer at the same time, she creates colorful, bright and emotional sound paintings. The concerts will include romantic compositions “Silence liberates”, “Tornado”, “Zephyrs”, feminine melodies “Skirt”, “Man ar Tevi” and “Johnny Depp”, energy-filled songs “Dur Away”, “Kiemer vrt sauli kapu”, and , of course, the playful opuses “The Cat’s Song”, “Corgis” and “Masas”. The program will be complemented by the songs of Imantas Kalniņas and Raimonds Pauls, as well as several romantic compositions in Ukrainian, French and Italian.

More information: https://visit-valmiera-lv.translate.goog/pasakumi/koncertvakars-ar-katrina-gupalo/?_x_tr_sl=lv&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp