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Anniversary concert of Algimantas Raudonikis


Composer Algimantas Raudonikis is one of the most famous and popular creators of Lithuanian entertainment music of all time. He wrote more than 700 works of various genres, including about 500 songs and over 100 dances. His songs “I’ll wait for you when you come”, “Tenderness”, “Where the roads are white”, “It’s not dark yet in my heart”, “Childhood has already sounded” and many others are extremely popular. The anniversary concert of Algimantas Raudonikis’s songs “Svelnumas” will be held in 2024. August 18 Palanga concert hall.

More information: https://www-palangosks-lt.translate.goog/placiau/603?_x_tr_sl=lt&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp