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Theatrical tour of Rokiškis old town SOFIA AND THE EMPEROR


This is an exclusive cultural entertainment, during which many unexpected surprises are waiting for you! While walking around the old town of Rokiškis, guests of the event will listen to the story of the love and creative path of the graffitte through special headphones, meet the young Sofia herself, participate in feasts with Tsar Alexander and Emperor Napoleon, learn about Sofia’s great feat and watch the unfolding story of doomed love.

More information: https://www-rokiskiokc-lt.translate.goog/produktas/renginiai/Teatralizuota-ekskursija-po-Rokiskio-senamiesti-SOFIJA-IR-IMPERATORIUS-1/?_x_tr_sl=lt&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp