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XXVII Summer Music Salon Pheasantry 2024

2024-07-07 to 2024-08-25

The Elbląg Cultural Society invites you, regardless of the weather, to the Elbląg Pheasantry for the first concert of the 27th Summer Music Salon this year. This year’s Salon will traditionally include concerts, a stage at the table, nature and historical walks “The Secrets of the Pheasantry”, an exhibition in the “Gallery in the Forest” and competitions.

More information: https://turystyka-elblag-eu.translate.goog/kalendarz-imprez/3276,xxvii-letni-salon-muzyczny-bazantarnia-2024?_x_tr_sl=pl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp