Vaba Lava children’s show “Memories Attic

Each of us has our own box where we keep dear objects, and each object is connected to some kind of memory, adventure and emotion. But what story do the conch and starfish tell? What does a normal glove resemble? What was the story of the cup and what is the aquarium doing here?
“In general, attics are a very remarkable part of the house, they store all kinds of knick-knacks and old stuff. For example, I was most attracted to an old picture. Sometimes he seemed to come alive…” Together with the living picture, thanks to the characters of the fairy tale, other objects in the attic also come alive, and together with the objects, memories also come to life. The play is without words, which will be understandable to everyone, regardless of language skills, both for children and their parents.
More information: https://elvakultuur-ee.translate.goog/sundmused/vaba-lava-laste-etendus-malestuste-pooning/?_x_tr_sl=et&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp