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2024-09-22 8:00 am to 2024-09-24 5:00 pm

Curtain up! is the motto this year for the 15th time when the FANTAKEL attracts puppet theater fans to Greifswald’s city center from September 22nd to 24th. At the three locations St. Spiritus, the city library and the Koeppenhaus, children, parents and grandparents can expect an exciting program with small and large heroes, full of stories to dream about and marvel at.

More information: https://1-lv–soziokultur–mv-de.translate.goog/15-figurentheaterfestival-2023/?_x_tr_enc=1&_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp