Stadtwerke Ice Festival

2024-11-13 8:00 am to
2025-01-12 5:00 pm
The Stadtwerke Ice Festival is a permanent fixture in Kiel and provides winter fun during the eight-week season. The fully covered ice rink offers a wide range of activities including ice skating, skate rental, curling on plastic rinks, team building, company and Christmas parties and children’s birthday parties. This year, the ice rink will be located at the Germaniahafen in Kiel for the first time, with a direct view of the Kiel Fjord.
More information: https://kiel–sailing–city-de.translate.goog/veranstaltungen/unsere-highlights/stadtwerke-eisfestival?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp