“GENTLEMEN” band – concert tour – 10 years of one rhythm

“Džentelmenai” is a band that has no analogues in Lithuania, each of which has a choreography adapted to it. This group was formed by three professional and well-known dancers in Lithuania: Andrius Butkus, Dainius Dimša and Vytautas Mackonis. Eye-catching guys, great songs and stylish dances are what ensure a good concert mood and captivate the audience. Their motto is that gentlemanliness and romance never go out of fashion. This should be cherished both in life and on stage.
More information: https://www-jkc-lt.translate.goog/renginys/?rid=1364&_x_tr_sl=lt&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp