Katarina and Kim // Under God’s Eye

Katarina and Kim share their powerful story from life in the Word of Truth – a story of control, fear, and a long fight for freedom. The response has been overwhelming. Many describe the talk as open, warm, and genuine. Their stories touch deeply through closeness and vulnerability – without filter. They take you deeper into the themes from “Under God’s Eye” and share experiences that were not shown in the series. They reveal the mechanisms of power that trapped them, how these affected their lives, and how they finally found freedom. Through photos, videos, and diary entries, you get a powerful insight into a journey that touches and inspires.
More information: https://www-visitsorlandet-com.translate.goog/event/katarina-og-kim-under-guds-%c3%b8ye/774265306/?_x_tr_sl=no&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp