Connecting resilient cities

The project seeks to establish sustainable and citizen-friendly communication channels for crisis management on an international level by creating a symbiotic partnership between two major players in the crisis management field in the European Union: the International City Network for Crisis Management (ICNCM) and the Union of the Baltic Cities (UBC). The project partners are Vienna, Ljubljana, Liepaja, Rostock and UBC. The project is funded by the CERV Programme of the EU.

The project aims to exchange best practices, establish a common action plan, and educate the general public, particularly new citizens, on the topic of safety and crisis management. Four three-day workshops will be held to discuss topics related to crisis management. The topics of the workshops were decided based on the needs of each project partner. The following topics were chosen: crisis management in case of energy shortages, crisis communication with stakeholders – volunteers, population, and media, preparation for sheltering large groups of people, and digital warning procedures in an urban environment.

As a result of the project, we will establish a sustainable network of crisis management specialists, create joint crisis protocols for EU member cities, and promote the exchange of knowledge and experience among firefighters, police forces, non-governmental crisis management workers, volunteers, and local politicians. The project aims to create better communication and understanding among EU countries during crises and promote innovation in crisis management. The project also seeks to educate children with a migrant background and reading disabilities on the correct behavior in crisis situations to save their lives. Ultimately, the project aims to make cities resilient and ready to take mutual action as one union during unexpected crises.

More information:
Kaspars Vārpiņš
Union of the Baltic Cities
Safe Cities Commission Chairman
Liepaja Municipal Police Deputy Chief