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New Year’s Eve celebration


We’ll meet at 11:30 pm at the square next to the Town Hall , where we’ll hear hits performed by Andrzej Piaseczny , one of the most popular Polish singers who has enjoyed unflagging popularity for many years. Andrzej Piaseczny is a winner of audience awards – including: – Telekamery 2010, SuperJedynka, Eska Music Awards 2010, Bursztynowy Słowik and many gold, platinum and multi-platinum records. There will also be a wonderful laser show to top out the event.

More information: https://ck105-koszalin-pl.translate.goog/wydarzenia-kulturalne/sylwester-20232024?_x_tr_sl=pl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp