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Pärnu Music Festival

2024-07-10 to 2024-07-19

Pärnu Music Festival and Järvi Academy continue the decades-long tradition of good music festivals in Pärnu. The focus of the Pärnu Music Festival is primarily orchestral music, the most important carrier of which is a special festival orchestra with a high-level composition, where the best of their field come to play from all over the world. In addition to the orchestras, you can hear excellent soloists who perform both in front of the orchestra and as chamber musicians. The pedagogical side of the festival is also important – young musicians receive music education at Järvi Academy. The artistic director of the festival is Paavo Järvi.

More information: https://visitparnu-com.translate.goog/objekt/parnu-muusikafestival-jarvi-akadeemia/parnu-muusikafestival/?_x_tr_sl=et&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp