4th Wojciech Kilar Festival – An evening with film music

We invite you to the 4th Wojciech Kilar Festival ! The first concert taking place as part of the Festival will be an “Evening with film music”, during which the PFSB orchestra will present works by the patron of the Philharmonic – Wojciech Kilar, appreciated and played both in Poland and abroad. Wojciech Kilar is not only a creator of symphonic and oratorio music, but also film music – he composed for directors such as Francis Ford Coppola, Jane Campion, Roman Polański, Krzysztof Zanussi and Andrzej Wajda. His works are performed by the world’s greatest orchestras, including the Philadelphia Orchestra, Cleveland Symphony and New York Philharmonic. The Słupsk Philharmonic will create musical illustrations for films such as “Dracula”, “The Ninth Gate”, “The Leper” and “Pan Tadeusz”. Sinfonia Baltica Polish Philharmonic Orchestra Wojciech Kilar will be led by Michał Krężlewski , and the famous Vocalise from “The Ninth Gate” will be performed by Natalia Groda.
More information: https://www.filharmonia.sinfoniabaltica.pl/repertuar/iv-festiwal-wojciecha-kilara-wieczor-z-muzyka-filmowa/