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Aino A.

2024-02-24 to 2024-06-02

Is there Alvari without Aino or vice versa?

The architect couple was a working couple who shared their lifestyle and passion, which was work. The work was limitless, just like the spaces they designed, where the whole spectrum of life could be present in the everyday room.

The play puts the spotlight on Aino Aalto, the modern and talented architect behind Alvar, who rose to cult fame. The new play written by Kati Kaartinen is based on Jari Järvelä’s novel Aino A. The play is the premiere in Finland at Kotka City Theater and is directed by Sini Pesonen.

More information: https://www-kotkanteatteri-fi.translate.goog/ohjelmisto/aino-a/?_x_tr_sl=fi&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp