Alika and Koit Toome “Christmas concerts”

During the wonderful Christmas season, Alika and Koit Toome bring the holiday spirit to people’s hearts with beautiful Christmas concerts all over Estonia.
While Koidu has previously had the honor of giving Christmas concerts with several Estonian musicians, this is her first Christmas tour for Alika. This duo wants to provide the audience with the best concert experience and they will undoubtedly be able to charm the listeners with their amazing vocals.
The concerts feature well-known and lesser-known Christmas carols and songs from the artists’ own repertoire; they sing about love, the holiday season and winter joys. The singers are accompanied by the excellent Koit Toome band (Peter Põder, Hannes Agur Vellend, Ralf Erik Kollom).
This is a wonderful opportunity to get together at Christmas and spend a pleasant evening with your loved ones.
More information: https://www-kultuurikava-ee.translate.goog/event/alika-ja-koit-toome-joulukontserdid-0?_x_tr_sl=et&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp