An evening with virtuosos – Pärnu City Orchestra ‘Sun Yellow’

The concert series, which has become a tradition over 30 years, introduces Estonian musicians, a father and son, who live in Iceland. It will be an evening of virtuoso performances featuring soloists Selvadore Rähni on clarinet and Oliver Rähni on piano. The concert will be conducted by the versatile conductor Mikk Murdvee. Spanning from the late classics to the present day, the music bridges different eras and generations. An unforgettable concert experience awaits you!28 February at 19 in Tubin Hall (Tartu) and 29 February at 19 in Pärnu Concert Hall.The only professional symphony orchestra in West-Estonia has developed and enriched the local cultural life and Estonian music culture in general, offering high quality musical experiences to the summer capital, the whole of Estonia and international audiences. Soloists Selvadore Rähni (clarinet) and Oliver Rähni (piano) Conductor Mikk Murdvee.
More information: https://visitparnu.com/en/objekt/ohtu-virtuoosidega-parnu-linnaorkester-paikesekollane-2/ohtu-virtuoosidega-parnu-linnaorkester-paikesekollane/