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Andres Dvinjaninov’s monocomedy “Fifty Shades of Age”


An irresistible mono comedy about age peculiarities.

How old are you? 30? 40? 50? 60?

Does it matter? We age whether we like it or not. Are we wiser as we get older? What happens to our conversation topics? How do years affect our taste, hair color and weight? The characteristics of aging are dissected by the beloved actor and director Andres Dvinjaninov, who has been conquering the stage and driving audiences crazy for over forty years. Now, on the cusp of her sixtieth birthday, she talks candidly and wittily about forgetting, health, marriage, plastic surgery, partying, exercise hysteria, eating habits and more. Sooner or later in everyone’s life, that moment comes when the first gray hair appears. It can seem like a tragedy, or rather a human comedy if, despite the constantly lost glasses, one manages not to lose one’s sense of humor.

More information: https://elvakultuur-ee.translate.goog/sundmused/andres-dvinjaninovi-monokomoodia-vanuse-viiskummend-varjundit/?_x_tr_sl=et&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp