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Archimetrie / group exhibition

2023-10-12 to 2024-01-07

“Archimetrie” is a group exhibition project, which is intended to present the issues of the broadly understood aesthetics of agglomerations and the language of geometry that organizes it. It is no secret to anyone that the history, form and organization of the city are components of a larger social reality, which – like the whole culture – has a sign and relational character, which in turn means that we can treat the city as a space of writing (or text). general”. In this sense, the city is a textual and semiotic structure brought to life by individual and collective subjects. It is symptomatic that the works presented at the exhibition are not works unequivocally realized in the spirit of abstraction, because the intention of their authors is also to search for connections with the surroundings and the urban environment, and therefore also with architecture and urban planning. The order integrating both the works and the themes of the works are reduction, asceticism and repetition.

More information: https://bgsw-pl.translate.goog/portfolio/archimetrie-wystawa-zbiorowa-galeria-kameralna-w-slupsku-cat-w-ustce/?_x_tr_sl=pl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp