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Bach Against the Machine. DAGAMBA


The concerts of the Latvian band Dagamba in Estonia have been exceptionally successful. We cannot fail to mention that at concerts at home in Latvia, they have performed as real superstars on large stadium stages. The ability to combine the worlds of classical and pop music has brought to the audience. At Dagmba concerts, there are many very different audiences who are enthralled by the virtuoso performance, the rock energy and the timeless touch of classical music. Dagamba’s latest album and program “Bach Against the Machine” was released in the spring of 2023 and will tour European concert stages.

The program is inspired by the legacy of Johann Sebastian Bach and the influential American rock band Rage Against the Machine . As always, DAGAMBA wants to connect the seemingly unconnectable. Valters Pūce and Antons Trocjuks, highly regarded classical cellists and childhood friends, form the core of the ensemble. The performance line-up has been continuously expanded with excellent musicians, friends and like-minded people. By now, this unique ensemble has positioned itself at the intersection of world music, rock, pop and classics.

More information: https://concert-ee.translate.goog/kontsert/bach-against-the-machine-dagamba/?ek_id=4017&_x_tr_sl=et&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp