Birds (come back to bones)

2024-11-02 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
At some point in life we need to spread our wings and venture away from what we already know. But how far can we fly before we lose touch with ourselves and our origins? In an intimate duet, two dancers explore what independence and dependence can mean. It becomes an emotional representation of flying freely and building a nest. About farewell and homecoming. In Birds (come back to bones) the dancers dive deep into the traditional dance and new circus forms Pas de deux (dance for two) and Paracrobatics, a circus branch performed without equipment, with an emphasis on strength and balance.
More information: https://www-visitsoderhamn-se.translate.goog/sv/birds-come-back-bones?_x_tr_sl=sv&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp