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2023-03-10 8:00 am to 2023-03-30 5:00 pm

Conspiracy thriller. Author Aaron LoebTranslator Erkki SivonenDirector Taago Tubin (Ugala theater)Artist Kristjan Suits (Tallinn City Theater)Sound and musical design Taago TubinLighting designer Märt SellStarring Grete Jürgenson, Imre Õunapuu, Peeter Rästas, Elar Vahter and Märten MatsuTipp’s team of professional business consultants receives a task of 90 minutes to develop a secret plan to save humanity from the threat of a pandemic.

More information: https://www-kultuurikava-ee.translate.goog/event/ajurunnak?_x_tr_sl=et&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp