Charity Festival “Sea of Love”

The Sea of Love Charity Foundation and the City of Darłowo have the honor to invite you to the ninth edition of the great festival for the Darłowo hospice – “MORZE MIŁOŚCI”.
Already on August 27 (Sunday) we invite you to have fun together on the market square in Darłowo. We will be able to raise money together, have fun, and all this is dictated by the great need to support such an important place as the Caritas Hospice and Care Home. Bishop Czesław Domin in Darłowo.
In the festival town you will find, among others: inflatables, a raffle, an airsoft equipment exhibition, military cars, a medical rescue zone. as well as a rich gastronomic zone with cakes, cotton wool, popcorn, grill, and other tasty attractions. The main specialty will be great cooking with Robert Bochenko.
In addition, a rich artistic program on the festival stage will be presented.
More information: https://www-darlowo-pl.translate.goog/wydarzenie/festyn-charytatywny-morze-milosci/?_x_tr_sl=pl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp