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Christmas Swing! Swing and Blues at the Consulate of Culture, vol. 9


We cordially invite you to… a swing Christmas Eve in the rhythm of swing, organized by the Gdynia Cultural Center and the Harlem Beats school. At the beginning, there will be an open dance lesson waiting for you, and during the event… a few surprises. 

If you know our dance parties, you know that each one is unique, especially when it is a swing pre-Christmas meeting. We are planning various attractions and will inform you about them closer to the event.

More information: https://www-gck-gdynia-pl.translate.goog/swing-blues-w-konsulacie-2/?_x_tr_sl=pl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp