“Cities as leaders in Green recovery“ – 12th EUSBSR Annual Forum Session

The session will be dedicated to showcasing cities’ strategic projects in advancing green projects and initiatives in terms of transport, food, ecology, smart cities and discovering the role of European and cross-border cooperation in this matter.
15.00 Introduction to the day & Welcome speech from the UBC
15.05–15.55 Session I “Infrastructure green recovery – a base?”
16.00–16.50 Session II “European project and networking”
17.00–17.50 Session III “Lifestyles and cities – can we do more?”
17.50–18.00 Closing remarks
*During each session of 50 minutes, 3 cities will present their practices (10 min each) and 20 minutes will be dedicated to Q&A and debate moderated by the UBC team.
More information and registration: https://eusbsr2021.eu/
The project is co-financed by Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme.