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Smart and Prospering Cities Commission online event: “Citizen Participation in Cities and Regions”


Smart and Prospering Cities Commission will hold an online meeting on “Citizen Participation in Cities and Regions”.

Event Details:
Date: June 18, 2024
Time: 10:00 – 11:30
Location: Online (Link will be provided upon registration)

This event will be a great chance to learn how citizen participation can be effectively and practically implemented in cities and regions. Our distinguished speakers from Aarhus and Kiel will share their successful participatory projects, demonstrating how participation is not just an add-on but an integral part of strategic development.

Key topics will include:
– Ensuring diverse participation and preventing the same groups from always being involved.
– Both analog and digital best practices from Aarhus and Kiel.

Participants will have the opportunity to engage in a lively discussion with our expert speakers, gaining valuable insights and sharing their perspectives on enhancing citizen participation.

– Experts from Aarhus and Kiel with extensive experience in implementing participatory processes in urban and regional contexts.

Link to registration: https://lmy.de/QaiXd

More information:

Wolfgang Schmidt
Chairman of the Smart and Prospering Cities Commission
Landeshauptstadt Kiel I City of Kiel
Referat für Wirtschaft I Department for economic affairs
Tel. +49 160 222 1013

Christian Lausten Sørensen
Special advisor Vice-Chair of the Smart and Prospering Cities Commission
Business and Sustainable Development
Mayor’s Department
Municipality of Aarhus
Tel. +45 4185 6100