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Classics on Moes

2024-07-05 to 2024-07-06

The Klassika on Moes music festival offers light classical music experiences in the summer. In the Moe Visitor Center located in Tapa municipality, you will find yourself in a fairytale atmosphere. On the first weekend of July, you are invited to be a part of the magic of stringed instruments, float among the sounds of the harp, dance to the sounds of the piano and listen to beloved children’s songs.

All friends of classical music, as well as those with little previous exposure to music, are invited to the festival’s hour-long concerts. The concerts are suitable for visiting with the whole family.
During the festival, it is possible to visit the Fashion Museum, while food is provided by Moe Krog.

More information: https://visitrakvere-com.translate.goog/rakvere/klassika-on-moes-05-07-paevapass/?_x_tr_sl=et&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp