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Concert “Legend. Vytautas Kernagis. Stories and Songs”


Maestro Vytautas Kernagis is a legend of the Lithuanian music world, who is always warm and good to remember. Actor and musician Jokūbas Bareikis invites you to listen to his most beautiful songs and stories about the creator’s life at the “Legend” concert. Vytautas Kernagis. Stories and songs.

More information: https://www-rokiskiokc-lt.translate.goog/produktas/renginiai/artimiausi-renginiai/Koncertas-Legenda-Vytautas-Kernagis-Istorijos-ir-dainos/?_x_tr_sl=lt&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp